#ArtificialIntelligence Archives - The McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and #Research at #NewYork University
School Surveillance in Upstate #NewYork ( not just China anymore ) – #DataScience W231 | Behind the Data : Humans and Values
Grove School engineer Samah Saeed is beneficiary of $ 4.6m DoE grant to advance #QuantumComputing | The City College of #NewYork
#DataAnalyst - Medical Center , #NewYork , United States
#DataScience at The #NewYork Times | NYU Tandon School of Engineering
#MachineLearning Consultant job | @Cognizant job in #NewYork , #NewYork , United States https://app.careerarc.com/job_postings/1208532?ctm_campaign=campaign:1699&ctm_company=128&ctm_content=publication:310805&ctm_source=1&ctm_target=job_posting:1208532